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Dictionarium latino-germanicum

Online Dictionary Latin-German: Enter keyword here!
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About dict.ccDeutscher Text

What dict.cc is all about

dict.cc is not only an online dictionary. It's an attempt to create a platform where users from all over the world can share their knowledge in the field of translations. Every visitor can suggest new translations and correct or confirm other users' suggestions. The challenging and most important part of the project is the so-called Contribute! system making this process possible.
To guarantee that the users' work is not lost in case something happens to the maintainer of dict.cc (Paul Hemetsberger), the resulting vocabulary database can be downloaded anytime.

Background, History & Motivation

Paul Hemetsberger
After finishing school in 1997 I worked at a web development company in Munich (Germany) for half a year. Because I had to spend the following 12 months as a civil servant for the Republic of Austria and I didn't want to forget what I had learned I crafted my own personal website (which, by the way, was never published). My intention was not only to build a private site, but also to provide valuable content. So I came up with the idea of creating an online encyclopedia enabling everyone to read and write entries, trying to bring my experience with Internet Newsgroups to the web. Unfortunately my programming skills weren't developed far enough to implement this in 1998.
But the idea was born and it didn't vanish in the following years.

On completion of my civil servant duties I worked as a web developer for various companies giving me the opportunity to expand my knowledge on programming and business administration. The overall aim was to start my own business as soon as possible. Finally I ventured this step in February 2001.
When I was ready to put my "project knowhowbase.com" into practice, I wasn't sure if I could handle the additional work load while doing client projects. By accident I discovered a vocabulary database compiled by Frank Richter and so I had the idea of applying my concept to the field of translations. The basic vocabulary was already there and a little lookup routine was written easily. So I started dict.cc in late 2002.
Because I continually found ways to improve and extend the site (History) and dict.cc's users kept giving me great feedback and suggesting enhancements, I decided to postpone and possibly drop my plans regarding the "Knowhowbase". I guess the Wikipedia project already renders it useless by now.

That is why my current aim is to add all the requested features to dict.cc and to extend the vocabulary to every language pair for which people are willing to contribute translations. In addition to Spanish, French, Italian and so on I already found possible contributors for German-Chinese and several Indian languages. Wouldn't it be great to have dict.cc featuring hundreds of languages in a few years?

Many thanks to

Frank Richter: The vocabulary of dict.cc is based on the word list he released at dict.tu-chemnitz.de.
Winfried Honig for allowing me to integrate Mr Honey's Business Dictionary into dict.cc.
Without having these lists as a foundation dict.cc wouldn't have been possible!

And most important: Many thanks to the users of dict.cc for supporting the project by giving e-mail feedback, linking to dict.cc, improving the vocabulary and answering translation related forum questions!

Contact Information

Please read the FAQ before contacting me!

dict.cc GmbH
Paul Hemetsberger
Erdbergstr. 10/55
1030 Wien

E-Mail: paul@dict.cc
Contact form
Impressum (German)

Terms of Use

All services offered by dict.cc can be used in the web browser for free, both for private and business purposes. All other ways of usage, particularly automated requests (parsing) require express permission.

Privacy Policy

We use cookies to store user-defined settings, vocabulary lists and the login status.

We store the following data from unregistered users:
- IP address for 15 minutes to handle DOS attacks
- IP address in postings permanently (forum, contribute section)

We store the following data from registered users (permanently):
- user name, encrypted password, e-mail address
- voluntary information given on the user profile page
- timestamps for: registration, last login, last posting, expiration date of the Plus Pack (smartphone app)
- history of the last 20 logins (IP address and timestamp) to detect double registrations in case of voting manipulations
- browser identification string and browser language to clarify possible double registrations
- postings in the forum or contribute section
- vocabulary trainer lists

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You can review their privacy and cookie policy here.

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Latin-German dictionary (Dictionarium latino-germanicum) developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers